Real, honest, approachable images are created when you stand in your power

I am intuitive, but I promise there will be no mind reading during your session. I am simply gifted with the insight to deeply witness you and bring that forth into digital imagery.

I seek to capture the inner truth, the essence of whom you are, through a process that is relaxed, easy going and empowering. Best of all, it requires nothing of you except the willingness to show up.

Prior to your photo shoot, we’ll set our space and get you grounded into your innate peaceful strength and knowing. Doing so enables you to stand in your power and allows me to capture images that are real, honest and approachable.

We will talk about your work, ambitions and dreams. We will look at what you most want to convey through your photographs and how together we can best accomplish it. We will chat and shoot and review our images until we have exactly what you want.

It’s just you and me creating portrait art and a little personal history together.